Homepage Update - April Fools Day 2011

Its good to have some time at home and to concentrate on my new-look website which I hope will be live in by May. My new web developer is Jeanette Murphy, who is doing a vast spring-clean, disciplining my random thoughts and shaping up the various sections to make the whole site easier to navigate. There is still work to do on the repertoire and archives but we hope to get it all done by May Day.
The Ides of March
...were actually very enjoyable; my birthday was spent at the RNCM rehearsing the Dvorak Wind Serenade, which two members of the ensemble knew and scarcely anyone in the audience, for a concert on the 10th. The piece was recently described by Sir John Manduell as a Desert Island work; it was a great privilege to introduce the Dvorak String Serenade to Ukraine a week later, and my suspicions were confirmed that the wind serenade is actually the finer work.
Kharkov State I.P.Kotlyarevsky University of Arts
My programmes in Ukraine were a wonderful basis for developing orchestral sound and teamwork.
Wednesday March 16th:
Strauss - Serenade for Wind; Dvorak - Serenade for Strings; Beethoven - Concerto no 5 for Piano
Tuesday March 22nd
Schumann - Piano Concerto; Brahms - Symphony no 2 in D
A Tale of Two Cities

I had a great weekend in early March with all six grandchildren celebrating my birthday. Guilt, just a smidgeon,a that I was not in Bromley for the BASBWE Festival, or in Seattle for the CBDNA Conference. Apologies to Peter Meechan, new Chairman of BASBWE, and to Tom Duffy, President of CBDNA. I hope to gather some reports from colleagues for the next Homepage.
Now I have a couple of weeks free to work on the website, undertake some coaching at the RNCM and learn my repertoire for April 30th in Singapore. Danceries 11 and Gulda Cello Concerto here I come!
Have a great Spring and Summer, or Autumn and Winter.

Horn Belt Boogie
Click on this record for a link to wilderworld.podomatic and a performance of Horn Belt Boogie