

with 98 discs published of WASBE Conferences.

Who is he?

WASBE 2003 Conference

For the past decade, Mark Morette has recorded every WASBE Conference, devoting a huge amount of time, money and resources to giving the world of wind music a permanent record of every concert. The result is at total of ninety eight Compact Discs, probably well over six hundred works, many of them premieres. What a resource emerging every two years for your college or school library, or your own.

1999 San Luis Obispo, CA

2003 Jönköping, Sweden

2005 Singapore WASBE 2005 Conference

2007 Killarney

2009 Cincinnati

2011 Taiwan

To select which of 98 discs to purchase for your CD library, go to the Conference file at the top of this page, browse through my reviews and select which CD is likely to be most interest.

WASBE 2007 Conference

Or do what I do and order a complete set of Conference recordings, taking the rough with the smooth. I still have to catalogue some of the most recent conferences!

Click Here for Order Form